Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Day Two- Wicked!

Today begin with a conference call with Professor David Redlawsk from the University of Iowa. He informed our class of what a caucus represents and the effects of the outcome and New Hampshire. We learned there are differences between the republican caucus and the democratic caucus. It was a great way to begin the day with a political professor working in the Iowa caucus and sharing his knowledge. After the call, the class went their separate ways to each of the campaigns. When we arrived at the Clinton campaign office there was not much going on as it was New Years day and most people were not planning on showing up until noon. We chatted with fellow staffers and interns and then we made “totems”. These are wooded poles, which three Hillary signs attached (see above picture). Around noon, we were sent out to canvass. We go in groups of three’s and cover different wards assigned. Today I was with Steve and Rob. We covered a lot of ground considering the snow falling was so thick and a plenty that it was hard to make out house numbers. It was fun being able to speak on Hillary’s behalf and garner support for her nomination in New Hampshire. I enjoy canvassing for the face-to-face interaction with the voters. I enjoy when people make comments on how enthusiastic and passionate I come off to them. I am hoping that the lit (candidate information paper short for literature) I hand out combined with my determination have swayed votes or at the very least require the voter to think about their decision more. Many people here in New Hampshire have said they do not decide whom to support until when they arrive at the polls, this to me says they like to take into account Iowa and see the media attention focused on certain candidates before choosing a candidate. When I am out trekking the snow in support for Hillary, sometimes between the vote and I the fact that I am from Florida really draws attention. People love to see a Floridian braving the cold in support. We had a short lunch break back at the campaign office and headed back out with another intern named Owen. This time it was snowing heavily and dark when we started. I was worried that I may be interrupting dinners, but come to find out on New Years day in New Hampshire most people eat dinner around two o’clock. At this point, the passion Steve and I were showing in the dark snowy dry New Hampshire air really impressed the voters. Countless times voters were impressed we were braving the icy streets, snow covered driveways, darkness, the cold, the snow, and freezing toes to get the Hillary message across to snow in Granite Staters. After we covered a ton of ground, we went back to the campaign, office where a nice spaghetti dinner was waiting! We finished the pile of totem poles and arrived back at the hotel at 11:00 PM. It was another great day in which interacting with voters brought new thoughts and knowledge. I really enjoy working with the wonderful people down at the campaign office.

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