I finally found a pair of boots and packed my clothes. I am ready to go to NH! I am looking forward to working in the “Live free or die” state. I know I will gain extensive knowledge of campaigning and primaries in this once in a lifetime opportunity. To be part of political history is fascinating to me, I really feel as if I am doing my part as a citizen to ensure my candidate I feel strongly about will get the nomination.
This is an exciting primary as this is the first one in a long while with no incumbents for either democrats or republicans. It is a wide open field for the parties in which the most supported in polls will be nominated. I am looking forward to exploring the demographics of NH with my own eyes. I have read the Scala chapters discussing the different areas and it seems we are a border town in which Scala describes and Elite class. It will be a true pleasure to meet Scala as I have studied his work for previous classes and am very in tune with what he says. I hope to have the opportunity to meet with a presidential candidate, most namely Hillary.
This Internship will expectedly provide me a foundation for credentials and an opportunity to see firsthand how the political primaries operate. I am expecting working long and hard for my campaign and I am not afraid to do anything asked, assigned, or offered.
At a minimum this coming experience will be very exciting. I’ve never worked in a campaign before and to work with one for a candidate that I feel so passionate about, has me jumping up and down! I hope to have the opportunity to walk door to door and place phone calls to really let the people know who the best candidate is and most importantly, why. These few tasks could be the difference between a win and a loss. Every vote counts. It will also be very exciting to learn about the other campaigns and candidates through my colleagues. Here I come NH.